Reliable Type J1772 Electric Vehicle Charging Connector Solutions

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Quality Type J1772 charging connector working in an electric vehicle schema

This article discusses the features of JONHON J1772 chargers and their application in electric vehicles. Despite being relatively new to the market, the demand for these connectors is immense since the global market for electric vehicles is rapidly growing. After more than 50 years establishing itself on the market, JONHON remains a leading international supplier of interconnect solutions.
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Wide-Voltage Applications

Type J1772 charging connectors have been designed for high voltage applications, enabling great convenience and a charging demand rate of more than 550,000 vehicles each year. This ensures that your electric vehicle fleet operates profitably and efficiently with electric vehicles’ increasing demand.

Engineers’ Lithium-Ion and Electric Vehicle Solution Team

With 3,600-plus engineers, and more working exclusively on electric vehicles’ solutions, JONHON is engaged in creativity. A great deal of research and development supports our connectors that they can withstand the rigorous specifications needed for high performance electric vehicle charging.

Related products

JONHON Type J1772 charging connectors are integrally molded with sophisticated electrical connectors to support seamless connectivity for electric vehicles. Our products use superior materials and modern technology which guarantees functionality in a variety of environments. And as the number of electric vehicles around the world increases, our connectors are ready to assist manufacturers and consumers by providing an efficient and dependable charging solution.

Related questions and answers

What is a Type J1772 charging connector?

In North America, this connector is regarded as the standard one which is used for charging electric vehicles. It is made for safe and effective energy transfer from a charging station to the vehicle.

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Customer Reviews

John Smith

“Dános unos conectores JONHON J1772 no tenemos duda que hayamos mejorado notablemente la eficiencia de la carga, realmente no hay inmejorables para esta industria!”

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 Liderazgo en ingeniería.

Liderazgo en ingeniería.

Contar con más de 3600 empleados ingenieros hace que JONHON pueda ofrecer soluciones que se adapten a las necesidades cambiantes del mercado de automóviles eléctricos. Nuestros ingenieros nos aseguran que los conectores tipo J1772 están a la vanguardia, dando un rendimiento inigualable y la mas alta confiabilidad.
 Validaciones por pruebas y certifi caciones exhaustivas

Validaciones por pruebas y certifi caciones exhaustivas

Todos los conectores de carga tipo J1772 al ser sometidos a pruebas de calidad se garantiza su seguridad y rendimiento conforme a los estándares internacionales. Este aseguran en producción, aumenta la confianza y satisfacción de los clientes.
 International Experience and Local Knowledge

International Experience and Local Knowledge

JONHON has many subsidiaries and Technological centers in different countries and this allows our international clients to benefit from in-house assistance and know-how. This means that, as a global organization, we can respond to various market requirements without compromising our service and product quality.